In Lozère, |
In the heart of preserved nature , |
For a privileged stay, |
" Mas
Bonnaude" |
welcomes you.
Self-catering holiday accommodations
Situated on the edge of the Margeride Mounts, between
the Allier Canyon and the Chapeauroux Valley. At an altitude of
1000 meters, 15 kilometers from the |
In an isolated location, on a property of over 100 acres, two perfectly restored authentic 17th century farm buildings will offer you refined lodgings throughout the year. |
The self-catering holiday accommodation
...........................................................................Heated swimming pool and Jacuzzi
.............................................................................................................................................Equestrian relay
.......................................................................................................................................................................... Tennis court
3 stars . Self-catering "de charme".
Self-catering accommodations at " Mas Bonnaude " ( Lozère )